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Friday, July 11, 2014

There are days nights

There are days nights weeks months and years when none of us get it right my dear not as daughters mothers grandchildren adults partners citizens congregation members irrespective of faith or religion to err is human to ... is divine. To help less fortunate became my crime from well water to sponsored kids safety house homeless the hungry those short of a few quid those who needed an ear listening is what I did. I was homeless for almost six years I saw a lot and saw much remiss I listened got attacked I strived to achieve. Per culturammed each and everyday I did it with faith and mantras from my dad they'll knock you down but get back up again kid. From war to robberies tsunamis floods and famines this world cannot be compared to heaven in anyway, what I needed was space and time alone after five years on the streets the round the clock noise and verbal attacks followed by drugs and cyber hacks. All I needed was somewhere quiet and safe to sleep and rest not to be attacked by some sadist drug fest. Attacks by those not of my culture robberies from these and personal art and photography attacks I have had upto out of  my ears. Peace and serenity zones lead people to pain and tears.

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